#39 Navigating Transitions with Alexa Linton

Show notes

Alexa Linton is the founder of the Whole Horse Apprenticeship, a culmination of almost 20 years of learning about all things equine wellness. She is also the creator and host of the Whole Horse Podcast, and she has written a variety of articles for Horse Journals.

Alexa also specializes in supporting with transitions, including death and dying, but also herd, human and barn changes, and physical transitions including illness, injury and aging. Alexa wrote a book to support those who are navigating the death of their animals called Death Sucks: The Straight-up Guide to Navigating Your Pet’s Final Transition.

In this episode, we discuss navigating those transitions. It can be a tough subject but Alexa’s advice and wisdom is something that all of us could benefit from at some point in our lives.

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