#43 Tuning Into the Wisdom of the Horse-Human Connection with Cheryl Eriksen

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Cheryl Eriksen is an author, blogger, horse midwife, and eternal student of the horse-human connection.

While earning her MSW from Western Michigan University, Cheryl took a special interest in the effects of trauma on the developing brain, and she applied that learning, along with her personal experiences as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, into her memoir, Follow Me, Friend.

Additionally, Cheryl has spent decades as an equine professional and extensively studied equine behavior and how it is influenced by what the human brings to the relationship. Through her work in the field of equine assisted psychotherapy and learning, Cheryl has seen and experienced firsthand the healing power of the horse-human relationship. Her books (current and upcoming) and her blog explore this powerful relationship.

Cheryl has also developed and taught continuing education courses on Equine Assisted Psychotherapy as a viable adjunct therapy, and on Trauma, Resiliency, and Horse Sense for social workers.

Connect with Cheryl:

Website: http://www.followmefriendbook.com/

Blog: http://www.peacehorsejourney.wordpress.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CherylLEriksenAuthor

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@pathofthepeacehorse6037

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