#44 The Emotional & Spiritual Connection to Posture & Performance with Dr. Tracy Rainwaters

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Dr. Tracy Rainwaters holds a very long list of education and credentials, including but not limited to a Doctor of Chiropractic and Animal Chiropractic certification, Neo-Shamanic Breathwork Practitioner certification, and so much more.

Her mission is to bring harmony between horses and their humans. She utilizes a whole-being approach to healing by looking at an issue from the perspective of the physical, mental & emotional as well as the energetic & the spiritual. With that, she combines her medical knowledge as an human and animal chiropractor with her intuitive abilities as an interspecies intuitive and shamanic practitioner to bring whole-being healing to both horse and rider. Through this approach, she is able to help improve harmony, performance, connection and health.

Connect with Dr. Tracy:

Website: https://www.tracyrainwaters.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.rainwaters/

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