#46 The Healing Power of Breath with Holly Barnett

Show notes

Holly Barnett is a professional Breathwork Facilitator with a background in Applied Neuroscience, and the founder of her method, Intero Breath.

You may recognize Holly from episode #31 where we chatted about saddle fit. Holly has been a saddle fitter and equine bodyworker for two decades but was beginning to notice a shift in herself and a shift in the way she worked with horses. Holly used her knowledge in breathwork and applied neuroscience to create a modality to reduce stress, manage emotions and regulate the nervous system.

Holly’s method, which she calls Intero Breath, is a practice that combines the profound healing and regulating properties of Interoception & Breathwork.

In this episode, we discuss Intero Breath, how it can change our relationship with our horses, how it can impact us as equestrians and humans, the ability to heal, and so much more.

Connect with Holly:

Website: https://www.interobreath.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/holly_barnett_wellness/ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/holly.barnett.505

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