#58 How Equestrians are Prequalified for Activism with EquUSCAN

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The purpose of EquUSCAN is to engage equestrians (specifically in the US and Canada, though everyone is welcome) in social justice work and global activism. EquUSCAN is a resource hub, highlighting and amplifying important humanitarian causes around the world and providing actionable avenues through which you can get involved and contribute to making a difference, help those who need it most, and reduce harm and suffering for vulnerable and targeted populations. EquUSCAN believes that your voice matters and they want to empower you to use it for the greater good!

Founders Kait Miller and Elsie Reford truly believe that aligning equine advocacy work with social justice and global activism is the next evolution of the horse-human partnership and they are excited to be creating a platform that intentionally fosters the merging of those spheres.

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