#64 Publishing in the Equestrian Industry with Martha Cook

Show notes

Martha Cook is the managing director of Trafalgar Square Books, a publishing company serving the horse industry with beautifully illustrated, well-written books to supplement the growth and development of horse people. Martha runs the daily operations of Trafalgar Square Books, as well as handling contracts, print buying, rights, and promotion and marketing.

Trafalgar Square Books believes that, with the help of their authors, we can all learn to ride better; teach our horses to perform better; feed them and house them more in accordance to their needs; care for them when they fall ill and help them recover from injury; and above all, treat them in a fair and just manner, as they deserve.

On this episode, we’re chatting all about books and the publishing of education materials to support the growth of the horse industry.

Connect with Martha and Trafalgar Square Books: Website: https://trafalgarbooks.com/

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