#67 Classic with Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour: From Athlete to Icon

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This is a replay of our classic episode, originally recorded and aired in late 2022. Christian Kroeber, wehorse CEO, traveled to Denmark to interview the dressage superstar in person.

Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour is a Danish dressage rider who is currently ranked 2nd and 3rd in the world, as of July 2022. Cathrine is an olympic athlete, having competed in 2016 at Rio and 2021 at Tokyo, and she won double individual silver as well as helped her team win gold at the 2022 World Dressage Championships in Herning, Denmark.

But apart from her career success, Cathrine embodies much of what the dressage world wants in a champion - her riding skills, love and understanding of her equestrian partners that led her to become one of the world’s best.

Connect with Cathrine on Instagram

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